Self Portrait. Two Godox Flash Sticks with small umbrellas. Remote camera and flash operation.

A friend asked me to shoot some Senior Photos for her daughter. Here are some of my favorites.

I love shooting in my studio, where I can control the lighting. My daughter-in-law was kind enough to help me try out some new ideas, and to work with me to make them better.

I was invited to go into the working area of a stone countertop factory, and photograph some of the people working there. These are some of the beautiful people I found there.

Friends asked me to photograph their wedding. I don't often photograph weddings, but I made an exception for this special couple. Here are a few of the photos...

This little guy came over for some photos before his first hair cutting. He brought his family along...

Some friends had a party for their daughter's first birthday, and asked me to capture some moments for them. There was a little wind.

Some young friends asked if I would take some family photos for them in my studio. We set up backdrop and lights and had some fun for an hour or so...

My daughter-in-law's sister-in-law needed a new head shot and was visiting for Naadaam, so we set up in my studio and played until she got a few that she liked... Then I played a little.

Some friends invited me to take some photos at the opening of their new RV and Boat parking area. These are a few of the ones that I found interesting.

I have been trying my hand at Adobe Firefly and integrating its images with actual people. I particularly liked the two below, which combined images from very different sources. One was from a passport photo, and the other was originally of two of my grand daughters sitting in a hay loft. Adobe's AI hasn't gotten to where it will automatically create such photos, but I could not have produced these without it.

I got to take some shots at a friend's softball game. The late afternoon sun was beautiful for taking photos! I loved it.

I don't get to do as much shooting in my studio as I would like -- most people want photos on location or outdoors. So, it was a real treat when some friends asked to come over for me to shoot some family photos in the studio. I like studio work because it gives me control over the lighting and I get more good images to work with from a shoot.

In February 2024, a friend of my daughter-in-law brought her family over for some shots, including a beautiful baby. I heated the upstairs to somewhere between 80-90 degrees for the baby photos. Then we used a room upstairs for some family shots, and I set up a backdrop in the garage. The shoot took less than an hour, but we got some great photos. Here are a few...

February has been unusually busy for me, with several back-to-back photo sessions. I have loved every minute of it. A friend I have been working with on several projects redid a room in our home, and brought her family over for a photoshoot. These are some of the images we created.

My daughter-in-law's brother had a hair cutting ceremony for their twin boys. I got to attend and take some family photos while I was there. They have a beautiful family.

A friend, who told me she was not comfortable in front of a camera, stopped by for some photos. We had so much fun I think she forgot that she was uncomfortable. I had so many good photos that I had a hard time selecting the best of.

A precious couple I know had their baby's first birthday and dedication. I was invited to take photos, and these are some of my favorites from the event.

Over the winter holidays in 2023, family friends of my Daughter in law asked me to take some family photos with their new baby. I had great fun taking and editing the photos. Here are a few.

With a little help from Photoshop AI and filters...

Some new friends asked me to take some family photos for them when visiting the area. We spent an hour or so taking photos in the lobby area in a local resort hotel near Williamsburg. The lobby was well lit, but I wanted to use some fill flash. I think I dialed the flash in a little too strong, but it was a learning experience. Below are some of my favorites.

Just before Christmas, 2023, friends asked me to meet with them at their community center to take some family Christmas photos. The building was light and open, but had skylights in the roof facing to the south. On the afternoon when we took the photos, the sun shown brightly through the skylights, and we had to keep moving to keep it out of the photos. It was a lot of fun, though. The family was gracious and accommodated my need to keep moving around. They brought a friend of one of the grand children, who let me take her photo. It is included at the end of these favorites.

Trying out a new lens at Ft. Monroe with my exclusive and beautiful model...

I took some portfolio pictures for my friend who works in the film industry. This was my favorite.

And, after processing with Photoshop AI tools and filters ...

Operation Breaking Through had a fundraiser breakfast, and I set up a photo booth for them, printing 4x6 photos for the attendees to take home, using a DNP-QW410 printer. Here are a few of my favorites shots...

Some friends asked me to take photos of their wedding. I try not to do weddings, but I had a lot of fun. It was a beautiful day, and they were beautiful. These are some of my favorites.

I had to play a little, so these next two were just for fun...

This next was before dawn on August 30, 2023. It was both a 'supermoon' and a 'blue' moon.

A few weeks later...

Some friends wanted some anniversary photos down at Ft. Monroe...

I created a home-made ring light from 9 LED video panels and a bicycle rim. My granddaughter modeled for me to try it out. It was nice shooting with a constant light source, and it cast shadows much like a beauty dish would.

A friend told me she was participating in a race called an All Terrain race, down in Virginia Beach. I was intrigued, so I decided to check it out, and brought my camera. Here are a few shots...

While I was taking photos at the All Terrain event, people would randomly either pose for a photo or ask me to take a picture of their group. When I explained that I was not with the venue, and they probably wouldn't see their photo, they said they still wanted me to take their picture. In the unlikely event that they make their way to this web page, here are their photos along with a few others I liked.

We just completed Vacation Bible School at our church, and the album is on a different page. But, I reworked one of the images, which is below. It is not precisely a photograph any longer. The two children on the far right have been inserted using Photoshop's Generative Fill tool. The rest of the people in the image are real, but lighting and colors have been adjusted to make the central character stand out more clearly.

As a rule, I leave weddings and similar events to the real professionals. However, a friend asked and circumstances were favorable, so I made an exception. The next seven images are from that wedding and associated activities.

A family reunion.

Below are a variety of pictures that I have taken over the past few years for various friends, or just because it seemed fun.